New Video!

May 13, 2014 1 Comment

Want to know more about Snypex Optical binoculars? Check out our latest video! 

1 Response


March 14, 2015

Seeing as cameras on their own don’t float this is niceescty for underwater photography. I have had occasions when the camera falls out of my kayak or out of pocket and the stap not only floats but the orange color make it easy to find. My only complaint is the collars inability to become large enough for me to put the camera around my neck. It will only function as a hand strap. I like the quick attachment that allow it to be easily removed however it would be nice if there was an easy way to attach a traditional hand strap to it. I was able to attach both a traditional hand stap and the collar strap quick connect on my camera but it wasn’t easy since the attachment ring on my camera is designed for a single hand strap.

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